Monday, November 9, 2015

Christmas Music

As we approach the holidays, playing music is a highlight.  Creating opportunities to play develops the musician's skills, experience, and enjoyment.  So go now before the rush to the music store or online, find some interesting holiday tunes, get your musician practicing now, and start thinking of where to perform.  You could perform for family, at a senior center, in front of a store filled with shoppers for the holidays, at church, or even at a bookstore.  It is connecting with people and experiences that makes playing Christmas music so enjoyable.

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Well, it is the time of year when graduations are on the minds of many of us.  I was just talking today to a lady in my tennis class whose daughter will be graduating in a few days with a Music Education Degree.  She has her sights on a band director position for a middle school or a high school.  We were talking about how the direcctor can be just the inspiration needed to compel a student to go on with music and take it into adulthood, where unlike some sports, it can be enjoyed well into old age.

My own childhood experience:  A Mr. and Mrs. couple were our band directors.  They were so engaged in summer band.   They were encouraging, inspiring, and taught us those beginning books with such vigor it was infectious--and practicing was fun, not a chore.

Summer band will soon be starting.  Enroll your kids.  Encourage them to play along, with a friend, or in larger groups.  Group playing is motivating!  Have them play for church, a dinner party, their grandparents, etc.  I get pictures quite often of students who bought instruments from me standing with their saxophone by the Christmas tree, playing in a parade, or giving a special performance.  Take every opportunity to enjoy music!